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Rey Yellow Lightsaber is a New Dawn for the Jedi Legacy

Muzzamil Ali

Yellow Lightsaber

When Rey burned her Yellow lightsaber in the final moments of The Rise of Skywalker, the Star Wars macrocosm was introduced to an important symbol of renewal and individuality. This striking color choice marked a new morning for Rey and signified the revitalization of the Jedi Order in a new form, distinct from the ancient traditions of history. But Rey is n’t the first to apply this rare color, and Yellow lightsabers have a rich history of representing those who walk a unique path in the Force.

The Significance of Rey’s Yellow Lightsaber

Throughout the Star Wars saga, lightsaber colors have held deep emblematic meanings, frequently reflecting the personality, part, or alignment of their wielders. Blue and green lightsabers are common among Jedi, representing their connection to the Force and their commitment to peace and justice. Red lightsabers, of course, are the hallmark of the Sith, embodying wrathfulness, abomination, and the Dark Side.

But Yellow Lightsabers? They’re a Bit More Enigmatic.

For Rey, the Yellow blade represents a clean slate — a fresh launch for the Jedi. It’s no coincidence that Rey crafts her own lightsaber after rejecting both Luke Skywalker’s blue smallsword and Leia Organa’s green smallsword, two bones of the history that carried the weight of the Skywalker family’s history. 

By erecting her own smallsword with a Yellow blade, Rey is forging her own identity and declaring herself as the author of a new Jedi period, one free from the murk of the Old Republic and the Skywalker heritage.

The Yellow color also symbolizes balance. Rey, throughout her journey, has always embodied the pressure between light and dark, between the Sith heritage of her forefather, Emperor Palpatine, and her ingrained virtuousness. The Yellow blade can be seen as a representation of Rey’s capability to walk a path of balance — admitting the darkness but choosing the light.

Yellow Lightsaber User in Star Wars History

Although Rey Yellow lightsaber made swells in The Rise of Skywalker, she’s far from the first character to apply this unique blade. In the expanded Star Wars macrocosm, Yellow lightsabers have been used by various Jedi, each of whom represents a special aspect of the Jedi Order.

1. The Jedi Temple Guards

The most prominent Yellow lightsaber users in Star Wars canon are the Jedi Temple Guards. These elite Jedi were assigned with guarding the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and icing its security. They applied double- bladed Yellow lightsabers, and their part was one of impartiality and equity. The Temple Guards represented the law and order of the Jedi, frequently called upon to uphold the rules of the Jedi Code.

The Yellow blade of the Temple Guards reflects their unique position within the Jedi Order. Unlike Jedi Knights or Masters, who frequently act as diplomats, soldiers, or preceptors, the Temple Guards were concentrated on securing the saintship of the Order. Their Yellow lightsabers represented their fidelity to the institution rather than to individual ideals.

2. Ahsoka Tano (Temporarily)

In Star Wars The Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano compactly applied a Yellow-green lightsaber during her time as Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan. While this smallsword was n’t truly Yellow, it bore a golden tinge that aligned with the symbolism of the Yellow lightsaber. Ahsoka’s Yellow-green blade reflected her position as an unconventional Jedi, someone who challenged the morals and eventually left the Jedi Order to forge her own path.

Though Ahsoka did n’t permanently apply a Yellow smallsword, her journey glasses that of Yellow lightsaber uses someone who walks a unique path and defies traditional places within the Jedi Order.

3. Jedi Guards

In Star Wars Legends (the extensive macrocosm of books, comics, and games that was before Disney’s accession of the ballot), Yellow lightsabers were frequently associated with Jedi guards. Guards were a technical group of Jedi who balanced the chops of combat and tactfulness with a practical knowledge of technology and spying. They frequently operated in the murk, taking on covert operations that needed a mix of political thinking and combat prowess.

The Yellow blade of the Jedi guards represented their balance between the traditional places of the Jedi Knight and the less glamorous — but inversely important — tasks of guarding the world through intelligence and strategy. Jedi with yellow lightsabers were known for their resourcefulness, and the Yellow lightsaber became a mark of their rigidity and sharp thinking.

Yellow Lightsaber
Yellow Lightsaber

What Does a Yellow Lightsaber Mean?

Lightsaber colors in Star Wars are frequently a reflection of the wielder’s part or personality. Blue lightsabers, for illustration, are used by Jedi Guardians, who concentrate on combat and guarding the world. Green lightsabers are frequently seen in the hands of Jedi Consulars, who emphasize wisdom, tactfulness, and a deep connection to the Force.

But Yellow lightsabers? They represent a commodity in between — an emulsion of combat and wisdom, a balance between the places of the Guardian and the Consular. Those who apply Yellow lightsabers are frequently professed fighters, but they’re also complete at allowing outside the box, using their knowledge to break problems in unconventional ways.

For Rey, her Yellow lightsaber could signify her part as a ground between the old and the new. She is n’t just a legionnaire, nor is she a diplomat — she is a commodity in between, a Jedi who understands the value of both combat and compassion. The Yellow lightsaber also speaks to Rey’s individuality. She’s no longer bound by the old Jedi traditions, and her unique blade reflects her amenability to forge a new path for herself and for the future of the Jedi.

Jedi With Yellow Lightsabers

Historically, Yellow lightsabers have been applied by those Jedi who enthrall a unique place within the Order. The Jedi Temple Guards, with their part in maintaining security, are a high illustration of this. Their Yellow lightsabers reflect their position as unprejudiced protectors of the Jedi Code.

The Jedi guards, on the other hand, were known for their different skill set. They operated in secret, bearing operations that needed intelligence, resourcefulness, and a keen understanding of the world. Their Yellow blades emblematize their balance between combat prowess and intellectual strength.

Rey Yellow lightsaber places her in this tradition. She’s a new kind of Jedi — one who values both the wisdom of history and the need for action in the present. Rey’s journey in The Rise of Skywalker shows her literacy to trust herself, to embrace her identity, and to forge her own path forward.

Who Uses Yellow Lightsabers?

While the Jedi Temple Guards and Rey are the most prominent users of Yellow lightsabers in canon, the expanded macrocosm (now Legends) features numerous other Jedi who have applied this unique color. Jedi guards, in particular, frequently used Yellow lightsabers in their operations to cover the world from pitfalls both internal and external.

In the case of Rey, her Yellow lightsaber is a statement of independence. It’s a new dawn for the Jedi Order, and Rey’s choice of a Yellow blade reflects her decision to break from history and embrace a future that she defines on her own terms.


Rey’s Yellow lightsaber at the end of The Rise of Skywalker is further than just a striking visual — it’s a symbol of her growth, her individuality, and the new period of the Jedi that she represents. Drawing from a rich history of Yellow lightsaber users like the Jedi Temple Guards and the Jedi guards, Rey’s Yellow blade reflects balance, wisdom, and the forging of a new path.

For enthusiasts of Star Wars, the preface of Rey’s Yellow lightsaber is an instigative today, motioning the dawn of a new Jedi Order — one led by a Jedi who walks her own path with confidence and clarity.

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