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6 Ways To Improve the Chances of a Successful Pregnancy With Endometriosis

Jennifer David


Endometriosis may cause growths beyond the uterus, causing damage and blockage of reproductive organs. Though scar tissue impedes conception, getting medical care may help with fertility. Understanding the connection between endometriosis and unexplained infertility promotes proactive partnerships with healthcare providers for the best chance of conception. Here are ways to improve the odds of achieving a successful pregnancy with endometriosis.

Confirm an Endometriosis Diagnosis

Fertility issues could require care from an endometriosis specialist rather than relying on routine exams that do not detect pelvic lesions. Advanced testing methods like transvaginal ultrasound identify hidden growths, while laparoscopic surgery removes tissue. A firm diagnosis enables reproductive endocrinologists to target treatment and improve fertility outcomes. Early surgical intervention could help women achieve pregnancy before scar tissue damage increases. After a diagnosis, ovarian stimulation and in vitro fertilization enhance the likelihood of successful conception in individuals with endometriosis.

Monitor the Pelvic Floor Tissues

Tissues in the pelvic region that contain elastin are better able to adapt to changes such as pregnancy, while collagen-rich tissues are more vulnerable to injury and scar tissue formation due to endometriosis. New collagen biomarkers may provide insight into fertility complications. Tests like the Hydroxyproline urine test measure collagen breakdown and repair. Excessive collagen indicates ongoing tissue damage that might require immediate surgical removal of lesions. Increased elastin quantities may help predict the likelihood of pregnancy complications from factors like abnormal placental attachment to scar tissue.

Maintain a Low Inflammation Diet

Certain nutrients may limit the inflammation that fuels endometriosis growths. Manage unexplained infertility by consuming healthy fats from foods like nuts, avocado, flaxseed oil, and cold-water fish. Omega-3 fatty acids found in echinus oils help maintain dopamine and norepinephrine, which may improve conception outcomes. Adding spices like ginger, turmeric, and curcumin to meals could help decrease inflammation. Limit intake of omega-6 fats from seed oils and fried foods, as they cause inflammation. A low-inflammation, nutrient-rich diet optimizes health and fertility.

Limit Exposure to Environmental Toxins

Plastics and chemicals that disrupt hormones may exacerbate endometriosis and fertility issues. Limit contact with chemicals like phthalates found in personal care and cleaning products. Minimize plastic usage by storing food in glass containers and drinking from stainless steel or glass bottles. Avoid heating plastics, which may release harmful chemicals. Cook food with reduced amounts of aluminum and Teflon, as both metals can increase inflammation. Reduce toxins by using homemade cleaning products. You can create your own by using baking soda and vinegar.


Removing all visible endometrial lesions during surgery can be difficult. GTEMs make invisible growths glow neon green under special lighting, thus enabling precise removal. This reduces the risk of new scar tissue when lesions are missed. Removing the highest percentage of visible lesions during the first surgery maintains future fertility by limiting the ability of untreated tissue to regrow.

Restore Body’s Natural Equilibrium

Whole-body expertise from Licensed Acupuncturist Practitioners (LAc) who specialize in infertility can complement conventional methods of treatment. An LAc identifies imbalances, such as Qi stagnation and blood stasis, using meridian pulse diagnosis, which informs the placement of acupuncture needles to promote the body’s natural equilibrium. Customized herbs accompany acupuncture to enhance its effects. Regular treatments, combined with lifestyle and dietary recommendations, optimize fertility holistically.

Manage Unexplained Infertility Today

Personalized medical and holistic care can help women with endometriosis to treat unexplained infertility. The body requires DHA during pregnancy to keep the brain and retina healthy. Although rebound neuropathological lesions can present challenges, modern gynecologic techniques can minimize tissue injury and optimize conception outcomes. Prioritize self-care and partner with specialists for the best chance of a successful pregnancy.

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